This scholarship is offered by the 861 Silverfox Sponsoring Committee, ACL of C. It is funded solely by the Committee to support and encourage opportunities for continued education for cadets of the 861 Squadron with a proven commitment to the program.
Each of the two (2) - $1000 scholarships is offered as a one time scholarship for cadets entering into a post-secondary institution or trades technical school program immediately after their high school graduation. Cadets applying for this must have been enrolled in the cadet program for more than 3 years but not limited to cadets intending to age out of the program at 19 years of age.
Proof of registration at a public post secondary institution or private post-secondary school accredited with the PCTIA (Private Career Training Institutions Agency) must be provided in writing to the 861 Sponsoring Committee prior to the scholarship money being paid to the cadet.
Applications must be submitted to the Chairperson NO LATER THAN MAY 15th, 2022.
Submit in person to the Sponsoring Committee office.